>> Clover Creek: Sanctity Of Song (2012)

Parental Advisory

Artist: Clover Creek

Album: Sanctity Of Song

Genre: Rock

Label: Clover Creek Productions

Tracks: 10

Type: Digital

Release Date: March 16, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

Reviews like this are always tough to do. Presumably, these guys are a young band, possibly still in college (or just out of it). As such, it's tough to critique an album like this without seeming like tearing the band itself to pieces. I truly appreciate the efforts shown here, but this simply isn't cup of tea. There are elements of their music that work, but the parts just don't completely gel. The music itself is mostly folk, with some rock elements. The instrumentation is solid enough, but the vocals and lyrics seem better fitted for a different style. The lead singer's voice is a baritone that doesn't particularly work with the lighter, poppier flavor of music. Additionally, the lyrics are so verbose that they tend to overwhelm the overall flow of the songs. 

Again, taken separately, each of the ingredients aren't bad on their own, but the final result just didn't work for me. If you're a fan of folky college rock, then you should give this a try. Other wise, just keep moving along.


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