>> Man Overboard: The Human Highlight Reel (2011)

Artist: Man Overboard

Album: The Human Highlight Reel

Members: Nik Bruzzese, Zac Eiestenstein, Justin Collier, Mike Hrycenko, Wayne Wildrick

Genre: Pop, Punk


Tracks: 16

Type: LP

Release Date: May 10, 2011

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

If you are fan of Pop Punk music, Man Overboard’s The Human Highlight Reel is worth a listen. The collection is comprised of two of their previously released EPs, Dahlia and Noise From Upstairs, a Christmas song, a bunch of B-sides from their album Real Talk, and a couple of new songs. The album plays more like a retrospective than a new effort.  But if you aren’t familiar with the band, perhaps this is better.

The first half of the album, beginning with "Driveway", is upbeat, mostly fast, pop punk songs.  Filled with energy and populated with catchy hooks, it’s hard not to enjoy listening.  This includes a cover of Promise Ring’s "Red Paint".  After that the band pulls out their acoustic guitars for a different feel. Altogether it shows a nice range for the band, a little something for everyone.

Overall the album makes for a great listen, though you can pretty much split it in half and make two disparate experiences out of it.


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