>> Verskotzi: Lesson Learned (2011)

Artist: Verskotzi

Album: Lesson Learned

Members: Joey Verskotzi

Genre: Rock

Label: Independent

Tracks: 5

Type: EP

Release Date: August 23, 2011

Rating: 3.25 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

Verskotzi is a singer song-writer from Minneapolis, MN. He is currently not signed to a major record label, but I guarantee he will be soon if he continues to release material as good as his first EP, which is entitled, “Lesson Learned.” Everything about this EP was really well done and Verskotzi, or Joey Verskotzi, is a really talented guy. He will get his big break in the music scene soon enough.

Joey’s musical style is very unique and it is nothing like I have heard on the radio in a long time. His voice is so soothing, but full of raw emotions. His lyrics are very deep and make you reminisce about the past. His instrumentals on this EP were also very impressive and were just as good as his vocals and wide vocal range. He also exhibited a good amount of variety for an EP that only had 5 songs. My favorite song on the whole EP was “Silver & Gold” because it was more upbeat and more unique than the other 4 songs. Overall, it was a good showcase for Joey’s musical talents.

These songs are perfect to have in the background for a spa or while reading a book in the bathtub. His music was very relaxing and soothing, but a bit too much to the point I was falling asleep. I just hope this doesn’t happen at any of his concerts. I liked his songs, but would have liked to have heard a couple more upbeat songs to mix things up. I am curious to hear what Joey Verskotzi come out with next. I recommend listening to this Ep and am rating it a “B.” 

Verskotzi on Facebook


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