>> A Private Function (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: A Private Function

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Michael Palin, Maggie Smith, Liz Smith, Denholm Elliott

Director: Malcolm Mowbray

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 92 minutes

Release Date: February 8, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site


The script took three years to complete. ~IMDB

Poor lowly Gilbert Chilvers, a foot surgeon, plays by the rules in post World War II England while everyone around him scams food on their table in a time of heavy rationing. When his plan to bump he and his wife into the good graces of the elite falls through he devises a quick plan to recover from his shame by stealing a pig. Not just any pig though. This one is illegal and owned by four of the towns most influential men. A tale of societal rank, a satire on the times, all brought together by a massive cast of familiar faces. Finally on Blu-Ray, A Private Function.

I think it best that you youtube the trailer for this film or if you are already in possession of it scan through the thirty minutes of trailers and find it. While the picture isn’t exactly perfect it’s a far cry from what it used to be and considering that original trailer applause are in order for this transfer. The cons of the transfer are that it has some shadowing issues. It’s a dark picture, darker then from the source footage, and that plays a heavy hand in how the picture tends to lose both color and clarity. When the film is on its on. Color is rich, not vibrant, but rich and definition is beyond superior to its predecessor. It’s a good representation for a catalogue film. Audio is a bit weak with an Uncompressed PCM Stereo (basically a mono 2.0 representation) that sounds hollow at times muddling the dialogue here and there but the film is so poorly scripted you can tend to miss a bit of dialogue here or there. Okay, really that’s not the point of a BD transferred film, but audio isn’t horrible just a bit lacking and probably on mark with its DVD counterpart. Take that as you will.

There aren’t any unless you include a half hour of trailers for just about every Handmade Films title in the catalogue. Honestly this film wasn’t one of my favorites so bonus features or not I didn’t care for it but for those looking to revisit this title a deciding factor on Purchasing vs. Renting could come down to this fact.




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