>> Buck (2011)

Title: Buck

Starring: Buck Brannaman

Director: Cindy Meehl

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 89 mins

Release Date: October 4, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Buck, a documentary about a real life “horse whisperer,” is a very compelling and heart-warming piece of storytelling. It chronicles the live and work of Buck Brannaman, a cowboy who is an utter legend when it comes to his work with horses. Whereas the traditional methods of breaking and training horses tended to be rough and almost harmful to the animals, Buck has a way of communicating and reaching out to them that is almost uncanny.

He travels the nation (and indeed the world) teaching clinics, sharing his passion for horses with fellow horse owners. He has a quiet, gentle and firm way about him, and those traits extend to the horses and quite often, their owners as well. Buck’s background as a child was a very tough one. Without giving too much away, the segments of this documentary that touch on his childhood are moving and often give some deep insights into his training methods as an adult.

At first glance, I didn’t think I would be too drawn to this documentary. I’m not anti-horse, but ranching, roping, and riding aren’t topics that are usually at the front of my mind. That said, the storytelling is so compelling and interesting that chances are good you’ll get sucked in just as I was. Check it out when you get a chance.



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