>> Honey 2 (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: Honey2

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Teen

Starring: Maria Ramirez

Director: Tom Hanks

Studio: Universal Pictures

Runtime: 110 Minutes

Release Date: August 2, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 0.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Official Site

They say if you don’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all.  Well, that doesn’t quite work in this instance since you are reading this because you want to know about the movie.  Well…it wasn’t good.  I know that’s harsh but that’s the word.
Honey 2 was not at all like the original Honey.  At least I could watch that without having something sarcastic to say every other minute.  Honey 2 stars Maria Ramirez as Katerina Graham.  It starts off with our main character getting bailed out of ‘juvi’, that’s juvenile jail for those who didn’t know, by the mother of the original Honey character.  So, Maria is staying with Ms. Daniels to keep out of trouble but she runs a dance studio, the very thing that Maria is supposed to stay away from.  The lines of the movie are super cheesy.  It didn’t even seem like the writers were trying to make the situation seem realistic. 
Maria starts to go back to her old ways and her old dance crew until she finds out the leader, Luis (Christopher 'War' Martinez), is still up to no good.  Now, she wants to battle her old crew.  She teams up with the dance crew that frequents Ms. Daniels studio to battle in the biggest dance competition, “Dance or Die”. 
So, let’s skip to the battle.  The dance routines throughout the movie were already mediocre.  But the battle scenes at the dance competition were the worse.  A few dance crews that we all know and love from America’s Best Dance Crew were a major part of these scenes.  Every time though that they danced, there was this crazy unrelated music bed over the dance routines.  You could tell that the original music that the dancer’s used when making the routine was not the music you heard.  So, all of the dance routines seemed a little off.  Well, that’s about it.  I’d have to see, I’d rather watch “Soul Plane”.  There was 1 light at the end of the rainbow though.  The ending credits were amazing.  There was this camera trick where the dancers seemed to be in 3D because the credits were rolled between the dancing and the background.  It was a very cool effect. 



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