>> Rainbow Moon (2012)

T (Teen)

Title: Rainbow Moon

Genre: Role Playing (RPG)

Publisher: EastAsiaSoft

Available Consoles: Playstation 3

Reviewed Consoles: Playstation 3

Ship Date: July 10, 2012

Players: 1

Official Site

Rainbow Moon is a PSN-exclusive retro RPG from German developer SideQuest Studios, the creators of tough-as-nails shoot ‘em up Söldner-X. Sticking with their hardcore roots, the studio’s latest release is about as deep as RPGs can get, boasting a complex battle system, tons of quests to complete, and a huge world to explore; but is Rainbow Moon a world worth exploring?

At the start of the game, a young man named Baldren is on his way to duel his arch rival, when he stumbles upon a strange portal that transports him to the mysterious world of Rainbow Moon. Unfortunately, a slew of monsters come along for the ride too, so Baldren must save the people of Rainbow Moon from this new threat, while also finding his way back home.

And that’s basically all you need to know about the story. Despite being 40 hours in length, the main quest is actually a pretty standard RPG affair; speak to this person, retrieve this item, kill this enemy etc. It gets the job done, but you’ll most likely be playing Rainbow Moon because it’s a fun game, not because you want to find out what happens next.


Read the review on PS3 Attitude


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