>> CSI: The Ninth Season (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Season/Volume: The Ninth Season

Genre: Drama

Starring: William Petersen, George Eads, Gary Dourdan, Paul Guilfoyle, Lawrence Fishburn

Studio: CBS Paramount

Runtime: 1044 Minutes

Release Date: September 1, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 6

Rating: 3.65 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

CSI has been around a long time now, nearly a decade if you can believe it.  Spawning 2 spinoffs and, this season in particular, showcasing an enormous personnel change, some may argue that the end is coming for CBS's flagship procedural.

Outstanding.  The show is dark so I was going in worried that I would be seeing a lot of grain but the blacks are actually black and the whites are white with very little interference.

Deleted scenes, featurettes, commentaries.

The bonus features are mainly short featuretes on things like William Peterson leaving the show and makig it to 200 episodes, the deleted scenes are not in HD which is a little disappointing and commentary are only available one 2 episodes.  Lawrence Fishburn pulls off the lead decently and the season isn't as bad as you think it would be with such a massive cast change but, as I said above, you can feel the clock ticking and the show isn't long for this world.


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