>> Desperate Housewives: The Complete Sixth Season (2010)

Show: Desperate Housewives

Season/Volume: The Complete Sixth Season

Genre: Drama

Starring: Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria Parker, Ricardo Chavira

Studio: ABC Studios

Runtime: 989 minutes

Release Date: September 21, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 5

Rating: 3.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site


Teri Hatcher, who once played Lois Lane in the hit television show Lois & Clark is set to star as Lois Lane's mother in the long running Smallville series on the CW.

Desperate Housewives has been a show that I tried to get into. Watched things unfold in season one, made a brief return in season three, but I just could never really get into it. The series is marred by a recurring use of subplots, characters I just can’t get invested in, and an overall sense of nonsense. There’s really nothing in the show that draws me. After watching season six nothing has changed. The cast seems tired, the plots just as predictably recycled, the events over the course of the season disappointingly fruitless. Don’t take it from me though. In my research of this season there have been plenty of fans that have either stated they wish the show would end before it gets really ugly or are crossing their fingers the next season will bring the show back to its glory days, whatever those may be.

So a quick recap of this season. Teri Hatcher’s character marries Dana Delaney’s boyfriend who was once Hatcher’s husband (a few times I think) and Delany becomes this annoying crazy lady. New faces move to Wisteria Lane (Drea de Matteo of Soprano’s fame along with Jeffrey Nordling of 24 and their son played by Beau Mirchoff) and no sooner do they arrive one of the mainstay residents gets strangled and the new family comes under suspicion, though having a dark secret doesn’t help, not that everyone on Wisteria Lane doesn’t. That strangler business is a main plot arc. Gabby and her husband take in Carlos’ niece Ana and she bumps heads with Gabby. Doug goes back to school and Lynette gets some startling news. Finally Bree gets mixed up with another man and has to keep it a secret or wind up losing one of her best friends. There’s just more and more of this type of thing going on throughout the show and it makes you wonder if the bridges of Wisteria Lane are fire proof because damn. But seriously there’s no character I liked in the entire series, I thought the plots in the show were weak, and when all was said and done I just didn’t believe. While the show did have some charm this season just seemed like a stretch, even for this show.

Bonus Features:
*Bloopers. There were some good ones here. Definitely worth checking out.
*Deleted Scenes.
*Miss Piggy Gets Desperate - Miss Piggy, accompanied by her producer Pepe, will meet the ladies one on one to find out “their story”. How did each of them become part of the sexiest cast on the hottest television show in America?  Miss Piggy wants to know EVERY single detail 
*Master Class - Behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with cast and crew to learn more about what it takes to be an actor on one of the most popular and critically acclaimed shows on television today

Digital Surround Sound 5.1 w/ French and English subtitles presented in Widescreen Enhanced For 16x9 Televisions.




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