>> Heroic Age: The Complete Series Part One (2009)

Show: Heroic Age

Season/Volume: The Complete Series Part One

Genre: Anime

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 315 minutes

Release Date: May 12, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 3.86 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Bonus Features

Textless Songs, Trailers

The human race is nearing extinction and is in search of their prophesized savior. When a young man named Age is found all alone on a planet some believe that he may in fact be the savior of the Iron Tribe (mankind) from the Silver Tribe who is seeking to wipe them out. When it is discovered that Age is a Nodos some put even more trust in him. Age joins in a contract with them and has 12 Labors to work through. In order to complete them and save humanity Age will be facing off with the Silver Tribe and their numerous Nodos.

As with most animes the summary of the show always sounds more confusing than it actually is. If you want to get down to basics the human race is engaged in battles taking place in space and Age maybe their one chance to win. The story isn’t completely original especially as far as space, mecha animes go. But obliviously if they can keep making than there is an interest and this one is pretty strong. You don’t have to hang on every single word said to keep up with what is happening; but if you stray or zone out for too long you may miss or get behind on some of the smaller storylines & character development. The animation is beautiful and unique. They also manage to mix in the CGI space battles decently.

Age is a likeable character; but not that unique. We have seen happy, innocent, almost naïve fighters before (Goku is an easy example). But what Age does provide is not only a powerful fighter for the story but also helps out with some comedy elements as he does not understand etiquette. Without that “Heroic Age” would be much darker and dramatic. I think what probably pulled me in the most is the similarities between Age & Hercules (the 12 Labors) and the story in general with Greek mythology. I’ve always enjoyed the myths and I love anime so this is a match made in heaven.

I am not a huge fan of mecha or space anime. But “Heroic Age” still managed to pull me in and had me caring. I will certainly be looking forward to the Part Two release. I can’t promise that others who aren’t into mecha will have the same affect and being priced at almost $60 is a risk. I would encourage you though to give it a chance and there are episodes up on Hulu.

Episode List:
The Ruined Planet
The Forgotten Child
The Tribe Of Hero
The Planet Titarros
The Nodos
The Cemetery Belt
The Agreement
The Flashing Nodos
The Return
The Hero Of Solitude
The Star Of Brilliance
The Torch Of Destruction
The Battle In The Space – Time Continuum


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