>> Scare Tactics: Season 3 Part One (Uncensored) (2009)

Show: Scare Tactics

Season/Volume: Season 3 Part One Uncensored

Genre: Reality

Starring: Tracy Morgan

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 284 minutes

Release Date: October 6, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 2.96 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Bonus Features

Additional Scenes & Bloopers (Tracy Morgan’s introductions)

Want to see a whole bunch of strangers put in odd situations and scared out of their minds? Well you sort of get that with “Scare Tactics”. The setups can go from simple to extravagant and this season I watched Satan’s baby being born, a man being hit with a car, a spa that drains people’s blood, a boss who put an employee in a wood chipper and much more. Many times the person being set-up freaks out, cusses, and tries to escape. But every now and then there is someone that either fights back or shows no signs of emotions.

The show is alright and at times amusing. However I hated the fact that they use some of the same setups multiple times. If they put all of those into one episode I think it would have been better; but instead I watched a demon baby being born and then 3 episodes later I watched it again. It just made the season seem shorter and feel like there were several filler episodes. 

What is very amusing and something I’m glad they did is this is uncensored so you get peoples full reactions. But with this is tons of cussing so if that offends you or you were wanting to pick this up for someone young you might want to rethink that. I think one of my favorite things about this show though is the host Tracy Morgan, I don’t know why but his comments are hilarious to me.

I don’t know if I would personally buy this TV series. It is amusing and easy to watch; but it is predictable. The setups change a little but the results are almost always the same. I just don’t see anyone wanting to watch this over and over again; it is more of a onetime viewing.


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