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Tokyo Rosenthal: Tokyo's Fifth

My last outing with Tokyo Rosenthal on “Who Was That Man”, I really enjoyed his work, found some of it a bit hard to swallow, but overall had a big ear to ear grin on my face when I found Tokyo’s Fifth in my workload. As you may have guessed, this is his fifth album.... Read more

Ryan Humbert: Sometimes the Game Plays You

Sometimes it’s just as easy as slotting a performer in the blue collar music group and calling it a day and Ryan Humbert is no exception.... Read more

Jeff Bridges: Jeff Bridges

Like most other writers covering the new Jeff Bridges album I have to mention Bridges’ award winning turn as Bad Blake from the film Crazy Heart. When I saw that this album was on my to do list I went out and rented the film to see just how well Bridges worked as a musician.... Read more

Tokyo Rosenthal: Who Was That Man?

Tokyo Rosenthal has been in the business of storytelling for three decades with his Folk/Americana/Country style of music. While I have never heard of Tokyo or Toke myself he’s had a few success that have pushed him into the mainstream eye.... Read more

The Best of Willy DeVille: Come a Little Bit Closer

Before anyone says they’ve never heard Willy DeVille’s music before let’s start off with this little bit of trivia. Storybook love, from his album Miracle, is the theme song for Rob Reiner’s cult classic love story Princess Bride. If you say you’ve never seen that film then your probably lying.... Read more
