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Dead End Story: The Next Thing

Back in July of 2011 Dead End Story released a self titled two song EP that I thought was a sure sign this Finnish punk outfit was destined for great things, if only some awesome punk label would pick them up before obscurity disbanded them.... Read more

I Call Fives: Someone That's Not You

Long story short I’ve never been a huge fan of Pop-Punk. That being as it may I threw on I Call Fives latest E.P. release, which works as a forerunner for the bands upcoming full length album, and my first go around I was conflicted, after all, it is a Pop-Punk album and, well, I’m me.... Read more

Tino Coury: Page One E.P.

When Tino Coury shattered his wrist playing High School football his dreams of playing College ball ended, but a new dream began, and like all kids with musical aspirations he headed to L.A. to make that dream come true.... Read more