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Thomas & Friends: Santa's Little Engine

Thomas & Friends

On DVD: 
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thomas and Friends get into the Christmas spirit with the release of Santa’s Little Engine. A five episode collection of Thomas and Friends tales that take place in a winter wonderland that offers up the same moral driven stories with a Christmas kick. 
The collection starts off with the title episode in which Mr. Topham Hatt plays Santa for the town kids and has to ride a sleigh, which he’s nervous about because he’s never done so before. When the sleigh ride becomes more then Mr. Topham Hatt ever would have expected Thomas must save the day. 
No snow for Thomas finds all of the engines on Sodor preparing for the snowy morning by adding snowplows to their fronts. Thomas doesn’t like carrying around his snowplow and decides to hide his so he doesn’t have to plow snow. Unfortunately Thomas learns the hard way that work can be fun, but not if you show up without the right equipment. 
The Frozen Turntable finds the usual sleeping place for the engines iced over so the engines must find shelter in other places. Everyone is happy to share with one another but Gordon who feels he’s a superior engine and should have his own shelter. Will Gordon’s stubborn ways get him into trouble?
The Missing Christmas Decorations brings us back to the Christmas theme when a different group of engines become jealous that Thomas and his engine type are given Christmas decorations for their shed and they haven’t. One of the engines decides to steal some and bring it back. His theft soon becomes habit and trouble ensues. 
Finally we have Snow Tracks which once again finds Gordon boasting about his superiority and his actions proving less then helpful for Thomas. Will Gordon realize the error of his ways and learn some humility?
All in all not a bad collection.  Believe Snow Tracks was already released on another collection but other then that I don’t recall seeing the rest of these episodes, and the two Christmas themed episodes are really good. I did miss Driver Perkins who is a no show in this collection. Other then that you get two bonus features; Sir Topham Hatt’s Frosty Friends Game and Guess Who? Puzzles. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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