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Bastille Working On Album While On The Road

With a busy touring schedule that resumed Sunday in suburban Detroit after a holiday break, Bastille is taking a catch-as-catch-can approach to its sophomore album.

The group actually spent some time in the studio before coming across the pond, the group's Will Farquarson tells Billboard. "We just have some ideas, so while we're all back in London we're demoing some things, and they're quite promising," Farquarson reports. "We like to try and stay busy, and when you're touring as much as we are we don't want to let the creativity become muted. We all love recording. Dan (Smith) loves to write and we love to get in the studio and do some stuff. So I think it's good whenever we're back in London to make sure we're busy writing new stuff to keep the creative muscles exercised."

Farquarson adds that Bastille's process has also changed in recent sessions. "It's becoming more collaborative," he says. "Initially Dan did it all and we'd kind of go in and do our parts. Now the basis is still Dan's songwriting, but we're all in there from the get-go, just sticking our two cents in there. And a lot of the songs are taking shape in sound check as well. So we're coming from alive perspective because Dan will bring us the songs and we'll jam them and go from there and embellish it as we can."
