Amos Lee: As The Crow Flies EP

As The Crow Flies

(Amos Lee)
Release Date: 
Monday, March 5, 2012
Also Available:

Vinyl, CD

Amos Lee is one of those performers that you can count on to deliver a powerhouse release that is presented with a passionate vocal delivery, excellent musicianship all around, and meaningful lyrics that dwell in real down to Earth folk narration. His latest release, the As The Crow Flies EP, is no exception.

Right off the bat Lee hit’s a homerun with the EP opener “The Darkness”, a tear jerker of a number that offers a combination of Lee’s somber vocals and honest lyrics against a backdrop of slow and sad instrumentation that includes a beautifully placed string section over the tracks chorus. Simply one of the most beautiful songs from Lee’s catalogue of songs.

It’s impossible to say there is one track off the six track EP that I disliked even a little because there isn’t one. As usual Lee delivers a beautifully thought out release using his usual style of folk narration, country/folk instrumentation, and flawless vocal performances. From his Steve Miller like Say Good Bye to his Dylan meets Taj Mahal "There I Go Again", everything is perfect. If you haven’t discovered Amos Lee yet what better time then now. Simply one of the best musicians out there at the moment. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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