>> Justin Roberts: Lullaby (2012)

Artist: Justin Roberts

Album: Lullaby

Genre: Classical, Easy Listening, Kids

Label: Carpet Square

Tracks: 10

Type: LP

Release Date: November 19, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 4.45 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

For the first time since reviewing children’s music I’ve come across an album that seems to be geared more towards parents without losing grip with the fact that it’s an album of children’s music. How? You say. I’ve thought on that all day trying to piece together this review without sounding like a crazy man.

For starters, this album really brings out a nostalgic factor for me. It reminds me of the days when my wife and I had just had another child. With our first it was driving around the block until the baby fell asleep, but with our second child I would sit in a rocking chair and pat them slowly on the back while some Cat Stevens played at low volume in the background. Repetitive motion, the simulated sound of a heartbeat, Cat Stevens light musings. It was a sure fire way to put our little one to sleep.

Justin Roberts has a voice that feels like a combination of Cat Stevens, Van Morrison, Sondre Lerche, Paul Simon, and a small touch of Jack Johnson meets Jorge Gonzales. It’s like the best of all those worlds combined with a very relaxing classic meets acoustic contemporary. The music combined with the vocals is enough for me to envision a lazy day of listening to some very relaxed tunes and falling asleep with baby on the couch, recliner, or bed.

Lyrically the album is impressive. Roberts words are very descriptive and detailed. He makes you see the things he’s singing about and then takes you by the hand and guides you through all of the things you’ll see in complete detail. If you’re sailing Roberts describes your boat, the weather, the water, the motions. If you’re in a field you see the sky, the color of the fields, any animals that might be near and what their doing. He puts a spin on phrases such as a heart of gold and even steps into somewhat of an abstract canvass of thoughts in a song like Polar Bear. I found myself pleasantly surprised by the fact that I was getting lost in he music and enjoying it more then I thought I would, yet it completely reminded me of my kids. It was a really fantastic experience since my little ones haven’t been little for some time. I really think if you’re a parent your going to love this album and if you’re just starting out, what a great album to share with baby. Enjoy.




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