>> Ethiopia (Worlds Together) (2012)

Title: Ethiopia

Genre: Documentary

Director: Elmer Hawkes

Studio: Master Communications Inc.

Runtime: 25 Minutes

Release Date: September 4, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 3.70 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Worlds Together presents Ethiopia. A classroom quality documentary that gives us the sights and facts about Ethiopia narrated by a child. Despite its very short 25 minute run time the documentary is fact filled and gives us insight into a far away country and its inner workings as defined by its people and their day to day interactions.

I honestly had no clue what to expect when I first started watching the feature. The narration sounded very “Charlie Brown”, which is acceptable considering it is narrated by a child. Despite that I learned a lot about the country, a handful of its cities, its landmark qualities as well as it’s culture, both human and financial. I can most definitely see this being shown to children in a classroom but I can also see myself showing it to my kids at home.

Like I said, it’s not very long. Though the run time says 25 minutes I believe that it’s just a bit under that and about five minutes of the doc is visuals with music. You still get to see the people of Ethiopia, and the visual does open up discussion about clothing, agriculture, and culture (which is a very wide open door as far as jewelry, body markings, and customs is concerned), but those five minutes may be deemed by some as filler. Still, your kids will learn a lot, as will you, and it just might open up your eyes to other Worlds Together offerings. Enjoy.



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