>> Know Your Mushrooms (2009)

Title: Know Your Mushrooms

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Gary Lincoff, Larry Evans

Director: Ron Mann


Runtime: 73 minutes

Release Date: December 15, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Bonus Features

“Welcome To The Fungal Jungle” (fairly low quality slideshow of mushrooms), Gary Lincoff Lecture, Deleted Scenes, Interview with Ron Mann, Teaser, Mushroom Clubs In North America, & Fun With Fungi

This documentary takes you on a journey to the Telluride Mushroom Fest to learn about the magical fungus that is capable of so many things. Helping you explore this world are Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans. Watch as they go hunting for wild mushrooms letting you know what taste good and what will kill you. Through their lectures you will see mushrooms from around the world and hear about all the different things they are capable of. Intermixed are various videos and cartoons (some old and some new). Throughout you will watch as others captivated by mushrooms take part in the festival and share their experiences.

The documentary is very informative, providing you with trivia questions throughout. It is refreshing to have a documentary delivered in such a relaxed method sort of letting the experts and fans take you through the information as they see fit. There are all types that attend the fest(though I think a good portion would be consider hippies both young & old) seeking knowledge, new ways to spice up their food, and just to have fun.

On the other hand their love for mushrooms often comes across as an obsession. This can make it at times almost feel more like a recruiting video as they push and push about how mushrooms can do just about anything and talk about mushrooms in supermarkets almost like they are a conspiracy by grocers to rip you off. Also it is hard to take an “expert” completely seriously when in one scene they are explaining the various mushrooms for cooking and how they can bleach paper and the medicinal uses & then the next scene the same person is explaining their out of body experience in great detail that they had while tripping off of one of the other types of mushrooms.

If you can handle the….eccentric nature of many of the people, are able to over look the fact that many have only one train of thought and that is mushrooms, and can handle the very basic bad effects used you will actually learn a thing or two about the fungus that has so many uses. This gets just a slight bit lower grade from me as I wish that there had been more proof or demonstrations of the mushrooms at work instead of just hearing people tell me what they could do and another small bump down on the grade as it will have a limited audience.


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