>> Little Feat: Skin It Back (2009)

Title: Little Feat: Skin It Back

Edition: Standard

Genre: Live Music

Starring: Paul Barrere, Sam Clayton, Lowell George, Kenny Gradney, Richard Hayward, Bill Payne

Director: N/A

Studio: Eagle Rock

Runtime: 97 minutes

Release Date: September 22, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.08 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Little Feat: Skin It Back is a unique DVD in that it is a live concert performance (not the unique part) to be performed live on television (getting unique) with other bands for a all night uncut/unedited concert (that's the unique) back in the mid 1970's (the very unique part). Little Feat is a band that mixes jam band with jazz, some folk, a little country, and rock in a low-key performance that most bands try to do but end up falling short. This DVD is from a television show called Rockpalast that was played in Germany and all over Europe bringing Little Feat to the attention of people.

This concert is one of Little Feat's best performances and it was at a time that couldn't have been more helpful for them if they had planned. Here they brought there A game to show that they were a band not to be taken lightly. That's where I came in on this DVD. I've said it before and it seems like I have to keep eating my words because I typically wouldn't like a concert on DVD but this is another time that I have found that I do like it. Little Feat is not one of those bands that I know much of anything about, nothing really, but I have heard some of their songs before, such as Dixie Chicken and Feats Don't Fail Me Now. However, with not knowing anything about the band or hardly any of their songs it didn't stop me from enjoying the DVD.

Here on this DVD, Little Feat performs 11 songs during the concert that lasts a little over an hour long. Though on the inside pamplet it says that Little Feat is not a jam band I must say differently. During this concert from the beginning to the end Little Feat is jamming out during their songs. There's a moment when they interrupt a song so that the percussions can have a little fun with the keyboards. The vocals of Lowell George, Paul Barrere, Richard Hayward and Bill Payne are all good and for the most part they stay in sync with each other. One of the reasons I think Little Feat is a jam band is mainly because there are so many vocals as well as them all playing a instrument while just enjoying the sound of their songs. They are playing to both entertain the listener and to have fun themselves.

But as much fun as the main concert is I found that the special feature of the rehearsals nearly just as good. I've been to a few band rehearsals before and I must say that hearing those rehearsals wasn't that much fun. The songs played during the rehearsals last a little over 20 minutes and each one seems like it could have been played during the concert itself, that is if the moments of them stopping are cut out. Both the main concert and the rehearsals are fun to listen to and are good songs to just sit back and relax while listening.


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