>> Tangled (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: Tangled

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Kids

Starring: Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy

Director: Nathan Greno, Byron Howard

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Runtime: 100 minutes

Release Date: March 29, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 4.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Tangled happens to be my favorite animated film of 2010. Yes, even better then Toy Story 3 as surprising as that may sound. In fact, its visuals even stand up to the likes of Pixar, as the Blu-ray can attest to.

Disney has done an absolutely fantastic job with CGI to beautifully render Rapunzel and her 70 foot long hair as well as everyone and everything else in the magical kingdom. The film looks just as good as I remember it from the theaters. The colors are vivid and the animations smooth.

In traditional Disney Princess fashion, there are numerous musical pieces in Tangled and each one sounds excellent. Whether you’re watching the action unfold or listening to the sweet singings of Mandy Moore and Zachery Levi, you won’t be disappointed.

-Original Storybook Openings
-50th Animated Countdown
-Deleted Scenes
-Untangled: The Making of a Fairytale
-Extended Songs
-Theatrical Teasers

The bonus features are nothing out of the ordinary and go into the production process of Tangled. As a result, many of the deleted and extended scenes are shown in various stages of animation and not how you would see them in the theaters. This makes them not a prime showcase for the capabilities of Blu-ray but they are quite interesting nonetheless. Untangled is especially fantastic in that it explores the creation of Tangled with both Moore and Levi narrating the whole thing while making jokes and even throwing in some Disney trivia as well. 

Overall, the Tangled Blu-ray is an exceptional title to add to your growing collection of films. The Blu-ray also comes with the DVD for you to take on trips and watch elsewhere, etc. There’s also a 3D edition that includes everything the regular Blu-ray version has plus the film in 3D and a digital copy, something I’d recommend if you have a fancy 3DTV. Whatever you’re decision may be, Tangled is a must-have.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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