>> Soldier of War (2010)

Title: Soldier of War

Genre: Action/Adventure, Arcade

Publisher: Braineaters Games

Available Consoles: Phone App

Reviewed Consoles: Phone App

Ship Date: January 21, 2010

Players: 1

Rating: 2.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site

Soldier of War puts you in the shoes of  Hooy, a lone soldier on the battlefield who must rescue the hostages and kill the oncoming enemies. With 16 different levels across a variety of terrains, this iPhone game will no doubt give you a run for your money.

The premise is simple; kill the bad guys while saving the good guys. To do so requires timing and multitasking. You must time button presses correctly in order to squash the bad guys or else they will get through your barrier and explode on impact. If this happens enough, they will reach the barracks and then it's game over. Saving people requires you to slide your finger down on the screen to open hatches for the people running forward. Mistime this and they'll run straight into a spiked wall. 

Depending on what level you're playing, you might have to kill a certain number of bastards (that's their name) or rescue a certain amount of people. There's also a survival mode to see how long you can last against the onslaught. 

The gameplay is definitely a challenge. You must be able to track four different tasks at once; saving two and killing two, and doing so requires a lot of concentration. The layout is also partially to blame as it's difficult to find a decent hand position on the tiny device. The biggest problem I found was the sliding of the hatches. The timing on those things is just horrible. There is a delay from when you slide your finger to when the hatch actually opens, and they stay open for far too long. 

On the other hand, the music in the game is quite fantastic. From the soundtrack to the people screaming to their death, Soldier of War sounds great. The different terrains, from desserts to wastelands, gives the game just enough variety. The gameplay can get somewhat repetitive over time but never to the point where you can't stand it anymore.

Simply put, Soldier of War is decent but not great. It's definitely a lot better than a lot of the stuff that is on the App Store these days, and besides, it's only a dollar so you're not paying an arm and a less to play it.


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