>> Paranormal State: The Complete Season Four (2010)

Show: Paranormal State

Season/Volume: The Complete Season Four

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Ryan Buell, Heather Taddy, Chip Coffey, Eilfie Music, Sergey Poberezhny

Studio: A&E Home Video

Runtime: 5 Hours 8 Minutes

Release Date: September 28, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 2.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

When Ghost Hunters hit the airwaves my entire family was hooked on Paranormal Shows. From Ghost Hunters to Ghost Adventures to Most Haunted To Paranormal State. It was like they couldn’t get enough. With that being said it was only last week that we devoured this new season of Paranormal State on Netflix Watch It Now in about a day and a half. While I do enjoy having the whole family together I am skeptical about these shows.

Paranormal State Season Four. I’ve noticed that a lot of these Paranormal shows have their own Niche. Ghost Hunters seems to be less about tracking ghosts and more about debunking claims of reported hauntings. Most Haunted is probably the silliest of them all where they happen to find some sort of haunting every single episode. Ghost Adventurers is probably the worst of them with the lead guy tough talking ghosts. I mean come on. Finally Paranormal State usually goes the good versus evil route. Its often that the crew will bring in a priest or battle the spirits by banishing them in Jesus’ name. Aside from that Paranormal State is very overdramatic. The lead crew member, Ryan Buell, speaks and acts very dramatically, comes off entirely to serious. Like the other paranormal shows there’s never any real hard evidence and after  43 minutes if something happens to fly across the room from off screen or there is something even remotely interesting going on its very hard to accept that it was anything but someone staging the event. When I listen to the victims stories there’s always some block of logic missing in their story and, honestly, after a bit I begin to wonder if their just looking for attention or some sort of profitable angle. Its hard not to when they claim that tables fly across rooms, beds shake, apparitions stake across their living room and then after three days of camping out PRS find nothing even remotely exciting. Then you have the “psychics” they bring in. Like I said, my family loves the mysterious, paranormal, mythical. The same week we finished off this season we watched Monster Quest where one of their psychics (Michelle Belanger) promotes herself as a Psychic Vampire who lives off other peoples life force by draining it from their bodies, with permission of course. Its hard to take these people seriously.

Is Paranormal State a terrible show? As long as your just watching it for fun. I watched an episode alone in the morning, one we passed over because we didn’t think it was safe to watch with the kids (Haunted Sex Dungeon) and I have to admit it did give me the chills. A combination of the unknown, the music, and some of the editing techniques of the camera are great for an occasional viewing of the show. Allow yourself that what if factor and you should get a kick out of it. So along with the 12 episodes that come in this season which take on Satanic Devil Worship, Angry Moral Spirits, The Jersey Devil, and a slew of other creepy ghoulies you get additional footage as a bonus. Fans of the show and the paranormal will eat this up. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.


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