>> Adelitas Way: Quickie 10

Quickie 10

Artist: Adelitas Way

Members: Rick DeJesus

Latest Album: Home School Valedictorian

In Stores: 06/07/2011

Official Site

Las Vegas rock band Adelitas Way will release their sophomore album, Home School Valedictorian, on June 7th via Virgin Records. Dave Bassatt (Shinedown) produced the album with Adelitas Way, which consists of vocalist Rick DeJesus, guitarist Keith Wallen, bassist Derek Johnston, and drummer Trevor Stafford.

We talk with lead singer Rick DeJesus about, well, nothing really.

1. Tattoos, how many, of what, & where?
I have 3. 2 on my back and one on my side I have a tattoo of an angel spreading his wings and a cross on my back

2. Middle Name:

3. If you weren't a musician what would you be doing?
I’d be doing my dad’s business refrigeration and heating

4. Best food to eat after an all-nighter?
Dominos thin crust pizza

5. Going to sleep, Complete silence or some noise needed?
No TV, just a little noise from a fan or the AC

6. Are you addicted to any social sites?
thedirty.com haha

7. Strangest thing you have seen on tour?

I signed a lady’s baby in Biloxi, MS

8. If you knew the exact time of your death, you would…
Be freaking out, I always try to live life to the fullest anyway.

9. 3 Must hear tracks on your upcoming album?
“I Can Tell,” “Alive,” “I Wanna Be”

10. Where did you get the name for your new album Home School Valedictorian?
From people that i meet who don't appreciate life or anything they have, things are never good enough for them. It made me realize how good life is and it really bothers me when people feel bad for themselves when they have it pretty good.

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Adelitas Way on Twitter



Awesome interview with Rick!

Awesome interview with Rick! These guys are really cool and I can't wait to hear Home School Valedictorian! :)

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