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Erimha: Reign Through Immortality

Reign Through Immortality

Release Date: 
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When I'm asked what kind of music or band do I listen to, my answer is always the same, depends on my mood. Most of the time I get a response something kin to me having to have one certain kind that I listen to and I do but even still it depends on my mood. For instance, listening to a black metal band while at work at my desk would not help with my concentration nor do I think my coworkers would care much either. However, I did listen to the new album Reign Through Immortality by the black metal band Erimha while I was first sitting on my deck and then while playing a video game, again on the deck, and now while I write this review. My mood in all these times was one of excitement, fun, and being ready to have a good amount of energy pump through me.

There should be a rule saying that the first track on an album be a song one that is the kind of music the band will be playing. If the band wants to do something that's not their style later in the tracks then that's fine but that first song should be what the band is. Enlightenment is the first song on this album so when I heard a song that sounded like it would be more fit to be a soundtrack song on a movie I was not expecting to get the loud, screaming, speed driven songs that are played on all the other tracks. Not that I didn't like the first song, it has a good rhythm to it and has a way to put this feeling of being a grand moment. And then the second song Ascetic began to play where I was given a song that caught my attention as if I had been slapped in the face.

Erimha is a raw band and the music feels like what would be said if I were to be cut and then had salt poured into that cut. I don't mean that it's a bad feeling just that the music has this very intense, instant, loud and fast pace to it. It's in your face as soon as it starts playing all the way until the end with very fast beats and so much screaming. I did like the album but I didn't care much for the vocals being belted out at me. I wasn't able to understand anything that was being said, which is typical for this kind of music so it's not all that bad, but there's just a little too much of just screaming. Instead of screaming lyrics, it's screaming, that's not lyrics, that's a sound being made in a loud volume. But one thing this album has is so much energy that there's no way anyone could get distracted when listening to it. I might not cared much for the over abundance of screaming, but the band does play the instruments really well. The beats are fast, they are loud, and they do have this grand sound to them, all of which is fun.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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