>> Kill Hannah: Wake Up the Sleepers (2009)

Artist: Kill Hannah

Album: Wake Up the Sleepers

Members: Mat Devine, Dan Wiese, Greg Corner, Elias Mallin

Genre: Other, Pop, Rock

Label: Original Signal

Tracks: 13

Type: LP

Release Date: September 29, 2009

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.10 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

Kill Hannah’s latest album has various music styles, rhythms, tempos, and sounds ranging from pop-rock, electropop, glam rock, to alt-rock, and it has very catchy melodies throughout. Although one may consider this to be the best part about the band, I am not crazy about the lead singer’s voice.
The voice of Mat Devine is quite boyish, occasionally even girlish. It must be the most unique attribute of the band, but it is too vulnerable and just not my taste. However, I could imagine that many club-kids and emo fans will find his voice to be a perfect fit to their pop-rock songs and ballads, and the contrast between the high-pitch voice and accented tunes including rock guitar riffs and heavy electronic beats is rather memorable and distinguished.
The band’s ability to take sounds from different eras and music trends to create their own style should not be overlooked. For instance, “New York City Speed” captures the essence of 80’s synthpop. Furthermore, while the lyrics of a few tracks are quite cheesy, others are personal, imaginative, and often dark. Sometimes it is almost like having the feminine vocals and the electronic dance music of Pet Shop Boys mixed with the esoteric and eccentric lyrics of Eurythmics. “Why I Have My Grandma’s Sad Eyes” caught my ears, and when I listened to it for the second time, I paid more attention to what he sings about. The lyrics are intimate and melancholic, but they do not sound like coming from the diary of a drama queen.  If you like the genres that I mentioned here and you are not familiar with the band, I suggest you to check out their myspace page first to see whether or not you like Devine’s voice. The band has posted two tracks from this album, “Strobe Lights” and “New York City Speed”.

Kill Hannah’s MySpace page


Wake Up The Sleepers

I'm waiting so impatiently for the album. On the amazon.com I heard the 30 seconds previews and I could say that it's other from older albums but it doesn't mean that it's worse! It's full of energy as every Kill Hannah record and that's the thing that you know that it's real Kill Hannah. I'm so excited about the album and hope that you so, 'cause it's worth waiting.
~ A. Misiura


This is their best album. It is more worth it then you can even imagine. If you can afford it right now, I would highly recommend buying it so that you can hear just exactly what I mean. The mix of dance pop and some other slower balled type songs make the album diverse, but lyrically its a bit heavier and deeper then previous albums.  This will be the album of the year.


It's finally here! There are no words to describe how happy I am with this album! Each song is different, and in a good way - you can see how they draw different influences from different bands. There's no one else like them; they are my absolute favorite.

So buy it now!

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