>> Big Man Japan (2009)

Title: Big Man Japan

Edition: Standard

Genre: Comedy, Foreign Films, Sci-Fi

Starring: Riki Takeuchi

Director: Hitoshi Matsumoto

Studio: Magnolia Home Entertainment

Runtime: 108 minutes

Release Date: July 28, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 0.91 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Big Man Japan is an outrageous portrayal of an original superhero. As Big Man Japan, Daisato inherited the role of defending Japan against a host of bizarre monsters. He receives high-voltage electroshocks, which transform him into a stocky, stick-wielding giant several stories high. However, where his predecessors were revered as national heroes, he is an outcast among the citizens he protects.
That would be the official back of the DVD case description of this movie. My description for it goes something on the line of a movie that makes absolutely no sense what so ever to me. I'm sure that there are people that would tell me that the reason I don't get this movie is because I don't know anything about Japan, the Japanese culture, or the style of humor Japan has. This would all be true and it would be why I would not dispute it if it were said. Which is why this movie just was 1 hour 48 minutes of mostly boring moments that were filled with a minute or two of something funny.
I've had some movies that have made for a tough review before but Big Man Japan takes the cake. Watching this was almost a pain for me to do. First off everything is in sub-titles because the language spoke in it is Japanese so I was already not liking having to read to keep up with it. For most of the time the text would stay up long enough to read it but there was a few times that I had to go back to read what was said. But that was the least of the problems I had with this movie.
With the cover of the DVD and the description given of the movie, I was expecting Big Man Japan to be an action packed, monster-fighting movie. Instead it's a slow, no action, boring movie about a guy that is a hero who is being followed by what I'm guessing is a documentary crew. When there is a monster fight there really is no fight at all being shown and then it's over. In the 1 hour 48 minutes of this movie I found 2 parts in it funny and the rest of it to be so boring that I just wanted it to be over. This is one time that I have to say don't judge it by the cover because as much as the cover makes you think this will be a crazy, out of control, weird movie, it's just a slow, drawn out, bore.
The only thing I was caught liking with the movie was the special effects. I was expecting the old style monsters with a model city with people in poorly made rubber suits fighting. This only happened once and that was one of the two things I found funny but the rest of the time all the monsters were CGI made. Maybe if I knew more about Japanese films I might have liked this movie but because I don't I ended up just be bored by it.



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