>> Darker Than Black: Vol. 6 (2009)

Show: Darker Than Black

Season/Volume: Vol. 6

Genre: Anime

Studio: Funimation

Runtime: 100 minutes

Release Date: August 11, 2009

Format: DVD

Rating: 3.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Makes me want to cosplay. The characters are so pretty.

I’ve been craving some decent anime and this hit the spot. Crazy good guys and even crazier bad guys. It even has that great Japanese pop for a theme song.  It had me dancing in my seat! I’m such a sucker for this stuff.

This is volume 6 in a tv series. I’ve not heard of this before but I’ll have to go find the rest of this show. I really like it. It’s not so deep that you have to watch the earlier episodes but if you jump in this spot you might want to go read up on the story.  The characters are amusing. The story is nice and intriguing.  It’s fun traditional anime.

I’m not entirely clear on the story so had to look it up. Ten years ago, an inscrutable and abnormal territory known as Hell's Gate appeared in Tokyo, altering the sky and wreaking havoc on the landscape. The heavenly bodies disappeared, replaced by false stars. During this time, people who possess various special abilities emerged. Kept secret from the masses, these individuals, known as Contractors, are able to murder in cold blood. Various nations and organizations around the world use Contractors as spies and assassins, often resulting in violent battles for information. Each fake star has a corresponding Contractor, and they vibrate when their Contractor's power is being used. As such, Contractors are usually identified by their star's Messier catalogue number. However, their abilities are gained at the cost of their humanity. They are implied to lack human emotions which includes no aversions to murder, and they are regarded as extremely rational and logical in their decision making. Contractors are thus named because of their need to always complete a remuneration or payment each time their power is used (ex. eating flowers, breaking fingers, drinking blood). It is not entirely clear what happens to one if he or she fails to complete the remuneration. Contractors are described as being psychologically compelled to complete their remunerative task.

There is a vast list of characters, too many to list. This volume centers around the main hero, Hei (BK-201), a conflicted Contractor that loses his sister, Pai, at the South American gate.   Misaki is the Section-Chief of the Foreign Affairs Division 4 who is investigating matters that concern Contractors. Her investigations continuously bring her in contact with Hei. The story follows Hei’s search for his sister and Misaki’s search to dig up more intel on the Contractors. Other characters in the story lend support to the revelations of the mysteries or give comic relief. Very typical anime.

I look forward to watching more of this series. It has peaked my curiosity.

There have been far better anime made but this one deserves a B+.

Special Features on the DVD are limited but include a Commentary, Artwork and Theme songs.


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