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By Lee Roberts

Peter Parker a Knight Avengers Assemble? What a Sentinel Looks Like

It should be known by now that I don't like the new direction that Marvel has went with Spider-Man. With Peter Parker no longer being around the only way I can get my fix for the real Spider-Man is to read past books but I have learned of some new ways. Peter Parker will be making another short come back in a 5 issue series being wrote by Matt Kindt and drawn by Marco Rudy titled, Marvel Knights: Spider-Man. That's rights fanboys and fangirls, our favorite Neighborhood Spider-Man will be in a new Marvel Knights book starting this October. What I've learned is that Arcade has pitted 99 (that's right 99) villains to fight Spider-Man. Right now that's all I know but knowing that it's going to be a Spider-Man that's Peter Parker was all that I needed to know. But I am wondering who will the 99 villains be? The cover to issue #1 kind of gives away a few of them, there's Warewolf by Night (Jack Russell also known as the Warewolf, Electro, Moribus, and then the eye I'm thinking is the Lizard and the smiling one could be Arcarde, but the top left corner I'm unsure of, right now I'm thinking Vulture.


Some things are just not to be, especially when it comes to being put in movies even though that idea would bring in billions of dollars for the companies producing them. Though when you talk about having multiple companies making one movie with different rights being used under all of them to produce one movie with other characters, well it just becomes near impossible that it will ever happen. I say this first because I just read the news that Hugh Jackman would like to see Wolverine in a future Avengers movie. He wants his character, along with Spider-Man, to be in a future Avengers movie but that's not going to happen because both characters and Avengers are owned by different companies, at least when it comes to the movie rights. Even if they do split the profits there's just so many details that will bog it down that it will make it impossible to see it made. Who would get the toy rights, why should one company get a equal profit if all they do is is say yes to using one character whereas another company has furnished everything else from equipment, crew, and all the other characters? There's too many obstacles in the way for this kind of movie to be made but let me tell you now that I'm all for it. It would be so very cool to see a movie with Wolverine and Spider-Man working together alongside Captain America, just freaking awesome but what team would it be?
The basic?


One that's different with a big change in line up?


What about one that didn't even feature any of the original core characters?


Another bit of movie news I found out involves the fastest mutant in the Marvel Universe. Quicksilver will be making an appearance in the upcoming movie X-Men Days of Future Past. The character will be played by Evan Peters, which if you check out the blog I posted on 7/6/13 then you will see the photo I posted that relates to this. But that news of Pietro being in Days of Future Past is already known so what makes me talk about it again? Well, the fact that Joss Whedon has said that he wants to have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the Avengers 2. So it looks like the fastest mutant in the Marvel Universe will be using his speed to get around 2 different movies. Now to wait to find out who plays the second version of Quicksilver.

With San Diego International Comic-Con happening right now there's all sorts of news coming out for us fanboys/fangirls. Namely another bit of X-Men Days of Future Past teasers. In this instance it's with one it's a big deal that's been talked about since the release of X-Men Last Stand, well before that actually, I dare say all the way back to the first X-Men movie, the Senitels. Here is what the head of them will look like in DoFP and I got to say that I am liking the look. Though I'm a little surprised that it seems so small. Unless this is just them showing us what they will look like while in the movie they will be the towering machines of death? Can't wait for more to come on this movie.


Batman/Superman #2

Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: July 24, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Written by: Greg Pak
Drawn by: Jae Lee
Plot: When Batman and Superman go to Earth 2 they get a unfriendly welcome from some heroes.

Scarlet #7

Publisher: Icon (Marvel really)
Release Date: July 17, 2013
Cover Price: $3.95 (that's right that's a 5 not a 9 so I'm thinking either Icon (Marvel really) has angered a lot of comic shops by making them change up that 4 cents or they have given a lot of comic shops an extra 4 cents on this sale)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Drawn by: Alex Maleev
Plot: Hmm, plot, what is the plot? Oh I know, it's Scarlet #7!