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By Maria Jackson

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 2, Issue 12

Bits of Breaking Dawn
Filming on BD has wrapped for most of the players, Rob included. Security is still tight, however! No one was allowed to take the scripts off set in order cut down on the chances of a leak. Meyer learned that lesson a long time ago. {source}
At the premier of Water for Elephants, Rob talks about the wrap. Although we see Reese Witherspoon next to Rob, guess who else was there? KStew! She didn’t walk the red carpet, but she got dressed up and was seen leaving with Rob. Pap pics after the video.
How does Rob feel about leaving his immortal life behind? Sun Times asks him.
“It does feel like a breakup. I do love the guy — and I’m going to miss him,”
Pattinson, 24, says during an interview with the Sun-Times on a cool Sunday afternoon from his hotel suite in Santa Monica, Calif. “I prefer to think of ending this franchise like leaving school. It’s the last day of high school.”
He mulls over the plusses of leaving behind his romantic alter ego.
“I’ll be very glad not to put those contacts in anymore or have to put on the sparkling makeup,” he says with a giggle.
The thing about Pattinson is, he likes to giggle. A lot. Then his voice softens.
“It’s been amazing to play the same character through so many adventures. And it’s so strange because my life has changed so much over these years, but ‘Twilight’ and Edward Cullen will always be a part of me. It’s been my whole life. My whole 20s,” he says. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He knows that there is no way he’s leaving this room without spilling some secrets about “Breaking Dawn,” a two-part finale debuting in November.
“I haven’t really seen any of the footage, so I’m not sure how any of it turned out. All I can tell you is, it felt right. It was from the heart.
“I’m as curious as any ‘Twilight’ fan,” he insists.
Set photos via TwiCrack Addict
The bloggers speculate,
“From what she's wearing Kristen appears to be filming running through the woods after her vampire transformation. Stefan and Vladimir must be shooting a separate vampire running scene using the same equipment”
Taylor talks about “imprinting”
When I interviewed Tyson Houseman, I asked him about imprinting. As we know, his character, Quil Atera imprints on two year old Claire. In the book, imprinting is explained as a force similar to gravity. And you (the imprintee) will be whatever the imprinted person needs from you.  You can’t help but to want to please and protect them. However, in the visual story telling that is film, this would never come off correctly and would more than likely just make Quil look like a pedophile. Houseman said he and director Chris Weitz discussed this, but decided it would be impossible to do correctly and (smartly) skipped it.
But when will we see any of this hard work?  The rumor going around is that we’ll get a sneak peak at the MTV Movie Awards.
The question of when the first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 will debut has been lingering for quite some time, but those familiar with the Saga's history have long suspected that the 2011 MTV Movie Awards might just be the first venue for said occasion.
Why? Well, timing and convenience, really.
With The Twilight Saga: New Moon, which had a November release date and completed filming in the late spring as well, the first trailer was revealed at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards. The cast had been nominated (and won, of course) in several categories, so they were already appearing at the show.
TwiFUN Time
Jacskon Rathbone is now on twitter!
Rob made the rounds on morning and evening tv, promoting his latest film Water For Elephants. It’s not Twilight, but I can’t get enough of Rob being interviewed.

The Today Show




Regis & Kelly


Jimmy Kimmel Live


Taylor & the Two Snow Whites

Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos!