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By Maria Jackson

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 2, Issue 29

Brand new Breaking Dawn stills! {TwiCrack Addict}

New casting news! Welcome Marissa Quintanilla!
Marissa will play “Huilen”. You might not remember, so here’s a small refresher:
Huilen raised her nephew Nahuel after her sister, Pire died (... in childbirth/Nahuel accidentally killed her?)
There’s new merch this week, but I’m not really moved by any of it. Nothing makes my heart skip a beat (y'know like Edward!) Do you see anything you like? {Goldenlink}
According to MTV, Taylor Lautner will be one of the presenters for the 2011 VMA awards!
Now, we can't guarantee any hi-jinks on par with the Rob-on-Taylor smooch from this year's Movie Awards, but we can't rule them out either! Regardless, we'll take any and all opportunities to gawk at Taylor in whatever capacity we're allowed without threat of a restraining order. And we hope you will too.
The 28th annual MTV Video Music Awards will air live Sunday, August 28 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
If you don’t want to wait, now you can ask Taylor Lautner all the question you like! An account on Formspring has been verified as being the REAL Taylor Lautner’s account.
Lastly, an outtake from KStew GORGEOUS photoshoot we covered last week!
Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos!