
Jack Ryan Headed To Moscow?

While there was a flurry of news about Chris Pine winning the role of Jack Ryan in a new film featuring the character for Paramount a while ago, things have gone decidedly quiet. But now it has both a rumoured title – Moscow – and a possible plot line.

Pajiba’s sources have dug up word that newcomer screenwriter Adam Cozad, who was hired to overhaul Hossein Amini’s draft of the script, has possibly merged the Ryan story with one of his own earlier screenplays, Dubai, which finds an American tourist wrapped up in a terrorist plot that targets the US dollar.

So exactly how does that tie in to the new rumoured Ryan plot? Little is known about the new tale, except for producer Mace Neufield commenting that it’s a not a total reboot or origin story and will pick up the character after his time in the Marines but before he’s working for the CIA.

Tom Clancy’s novels had him working for former financial behemoth Merrill Lynch, but the film (which is not based on any one of the books), will apparently see him using his financial know-how as a consultant in Moscow for a billionaire client. A client who frames him as part of a terrorist plot to collapse the US economy (er… little late, aren’t we?) with Ryan forced to go on the run, save his kidnapped wife and clear his name.

Paramount apparently has the simple Moscow as a working title on track for now, though there’s no word on when it’ll graduate from development to actual production.

Peter Oberth
News by Peter Oberth
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