
Will Smith On For The Legend Of Cain?

No, Will Smith is not aiming to star in a version of the Michael Caine story. Wrong spelling, and we’re not sure Smith could pull off Sir Maurice without resorting to Lenny Henry-in-True-Identity-style make-up. But he is considering an interesting take on the Biblical wrongdoer and son of Adam & Eve in The Legend of Cain.

The movie would apparently see him playing the original villain, but with a slight twist – he’s a vampire. Yup, it's true, according to Deadline.

Very little else is known about the script, other than it was written by Caleeb Pinkett (younger brother to Smith’s missus, Jada Pinkett Smith) and Dan Knauf, with World Trade Center scribe Andrea Berloff busy polishing it up so Overbrook Entertainment can start pitching it to studios. Bet Sony gets first look as usual.

It would seem that there’s no genre of level of literature safe from the encroaching trend of fang-baring beasts, but this could at least be an intriguing twist on the idea. Not sure how Biblical purists will respond, though.

Smith, meanwhile, is getting set to don the Ray-Bans again for Men in Black III, which should kick off shooting next month.

Peter Oberth
News by Peter Oberth
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