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Jim Carrey Wanted For Kick-Ass 2

Just because a big name actor liked a movie, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they’ll agree to appear in the sequel. But writer-director Jeff Wadlow and the producers of Kick-Ass 2 are hoping that that will translate, because they’ve approached fan Jim Carrey to make an appearance in the sequel.

Carrey, who is indeed a big fan of Matthew Vaughn’s original Kick-Ass, is being offered the chance to play Colonel Stars, who helps galvanize the team of misfit superheroes to go up against Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse).

With returning faces Chloe Moretz, Aaron Johnson and Yancy Butler joined this time by the likes of John Leguizamo, Donald Faison, Morris Chestnut and Robert Emms, the cast is growing quickly. The Colonel isn’t the biggest role in the film, but that could lure Carrey into giving up a few days to shoot a quick appearance. Nothing with Carrey is anywhere near locked yet, so watch this space for news as we get it.

The new movie, based on the work of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr, is setting up to shoot in Toronto next month and will hit UK cinemas on July 19 next year.

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