>> New Filming For Gangster Squad Planned

Source: Empire

With Friday’s traumatic and tragic events in Aurora, Colorado still casting a shadow over more than just The Dark Knight Rises, Variety reports that Warner Bros. has apparently made the decision to remove a key scene from another of its upcoming films, Gangster Squad, and plans some new filming to make sure the story still works.

While the studio has not released an official statement on the matter, and wouldn’t comment about the new footage, it makes sense since one of the big moments in Gangster Squad (as seen in the trailer) features Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn)’s goons firing through a cinema screen at the audience, before walking through the torn surface to continue the attack.

Given the parallels to the cinema shooting this weekend, it would seem to make sense that the film, directed by Ruben Fleischer and starring Penn, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte and Josh Brolin would undergo some editing.

There’s no word yet on whether the release date will change, though it would seem Warners still plans to get the movie out on September 7 across the pond (and November 9 here).


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