>> Disney Channel Buys TV Series From Comics Legend Neal Adams

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Disney Channel is getting Ditz-y.

The cable network has picked up rights to an unpublished comic book character named Ditz, created by Neal Adams, and is in the early stages of development on a live-action TV series.

Steve Marmel, creator of Disney Channel's Sonny With a Chance, the live-action comedy starring Demi Lovato, is attached as showrunner to what is being titled Ditz and is in the process of writing the script.

The concept centers on a teenager with a rookie mystical guardian who enables the girl to enter other people's bodies and control them, helping the possessed with their problems. Doing so, however, leaves her body scatterbrained and functioning on its own, causing a host of side problems for when her spirit returns.

The part could prove to be a good showcase for someone to play a multitude of personalities.

Adams made his name as the artist on key runs on 1960s and 1970s comic books involving X-Men, Green Lantern and Batman, among others, before striking on his own with creator-owned material. He is currently scripting an X-Men miniseries and is writing and drawing Blood, his own creation, for Dark Horse Presents, which will be published in installments starting this spring.

Continuity Studios, which Adams runs with his producer-wife Marilyn, is in development on Joe Public with Ralph Winter, a producer of the X-Men movies, and has teamed up with Michael Besman (About Schmidt) to develop their concept Crazyman.

Show: Ditz

Genre: Action/Adventure

Network: Disney Channel

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