>> Superman Gets A New Look and DC Comics Relaunch all Titles

Superman Gets A New Look and DC Comics Relaunch all Titles

Alright, I’m started this weeks blog off with news because lets face it, changing Superman’s suit is always going to be big news for us fanboys. So what does this new suit looks like? Hmm, there’s two versions really, kind of.
First one is from the cover of Justice League #1 coming out in September (that news will be after the suit news).

Look at it closely, can you tell the difference? Here they are.
1) His red briefs are no longer red, they are blue
2) His belt is no longer yellow, it’s red
3) He has a high v-neck collar
4) The S shield has a different look to it
My thoughts on this new look, little for and against if. I kind of like the high collar but I didn’t see anything wrong with the red shorts with the yellow bet. What’s the reason for this change other than saying it’s an update. We all know what has happened when Superman has been put to an update.

Now for the second look, a very drastic change in suits, this is the cover to Action Comics #1.

What is this, farmer Kal-El? He’s wearing a t-shirt with jeans that have knee patches. Not only that but he has the jeans rolled up to show off his boots. And look at that cape! I really hope that’s not the cape but instead maybe a red towel that is just draped over his shoulder. If it is the cape then what happened to it? Is it his little blankie from when papa Jor-El sent him to Earth? Did Superman try to do the laundry and shrunk his cape? Whatever it is this look does not look good to me at all. Oh maybe as a very small section of the story where he’s at the farm working so he’s not wearing his suit, it’s been done before in a way and looked cool.

And the last one is from the cover of Superman #1.

Look at this one, about the same as from Justice League but with a few more details like.
1) The S shield is looking like the original
2) There are lines seen on the suit
3) The boots and some of suit is shiny like armor
4) He looks to be in his early 20s
I’m not liking this look much mainly due to the fact that Superman looks like he just got out of high school. I’m not saying he should look like he’s in his 40’s but he should look older than 20. This is the hero of all heroes, the one that everyone looks up to but if he’s looking like he’s not even old enough to drink then how can he be that man? Sure he can have the same ideals and act the same way but looking that young I can’t see his character having the respect that he has as being older. This looks more like a Superboy than a Superman.

(by the way this pic is not a new look, actually old, but shows how the new Superman kind of looks like this old look for Superboy)

And what’s the deal with the armor looking suit? He’s Superman, he don’t need no stinking armor. If he has been depowered where he does need armor than it should just be a storyline because again, this is Superman, he don’t need no stinking armor.

Now for the news I said would be later. In the month of September 2011, DC Comics is going to release 52 new #1 issues of their titles. This is their way of giving the comics some new blood by allowing new readers to jump on and for continued readers to get a refreshed story line. I actually like the idea, though it’s been done before and after a little while the renumbered titles went back to their original numbering. Anyways, I like the idea and actually plan on getting the Superman, Action Comics, and possible the Justice League titles. I’m also going to be picking up the Batman titles but I already do that now anyways so nothing new for me there.

However there is some aspect that I just don’t get about this being done. That is with every title, yep 52 titles is every title that DC Comics has, will get a new number 1, that also means the titles that are not that high up in numbers. Such as Batman & Robin and Batgirl, both will get a new first issue when Batman & Robin are only on issues 24 right now and Batgirl on issue 22. Why do they even need a new relaunch when they haven’t been out long enough to get over their first launch? I’m also wondering if they are going to be keeping every title that’s out right now or dropping some and replacing them with something new?  Because there’s going to be a Catwoman #1 so what will happen go Gotham City Sirens? I ask because Catwoman is in that title but I mainly ask because so is Harley Quinn and if they end that title I will be extremely unhappy.

With this new relaunch there is also new stories, well duh you say. Don’t be getting all uppty yet let me finish. With this new relaunch, new stories are going to be told and one is affecting the Batman universe. For the last couple of years the Bat titles have went through some major change. It all started with the supposed death of Bruce Wayne, then the hunt for a new Batman, that lead to Dick Grayson becoming Batman, to then Bruce Wayne coming back to life and becoming Batman again, to being where it is now where Bruce Wayne let Dick stay the Batman of Gotham while Bruce goes around creating a company out of Batman where he recruits other heroes around the world to become a Batman. With the new #1 titles the only Batman there’s going to be is Bruce Wayne, but no word as of yet on what will happen to Dick Grayson or the Batman Incorporated with all the other Batmen around the world. Though for me I kind of like that it’s going back to just Bruce Wayne being Batman. Sure Dick Grayson made a good and fun Batman to read he just wasn’t the real Batman. He was the one that laughed, joked, and even talked to people, I like the grim Dark Knight of Bruce Wayne.



awesome wallpapers ... :)

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