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15 Songs Every Kid Should Know And Will Love

15 Songs Every Kid Should Know (and will love) is one of those albums that you’d probably pass over if you saw in a store. I don’t know how many times, back when my kids were little enough, I would see these goofy collections of kids songs from various artists I’d never heard, gracing the check out lines or tapered off on hanging displays in the kids and babies section. I always turned my nose up to them.

Sadly because there isn’t to huge a marketing aspect for this disc, which I absolutely loved, it will more then likely find itself among the discarded kids music CD’s that other parents will ignore, which is a real shame because the production work on the CD is amazingly high quality and the majority of the performances are outstanding.

The first track off the collection is enough to draw you in with its funk vibe and fantastic vocal work. Mind you all of the songs on the album are traditional tunes from around the globe so some of them you may have heard of and some of them you may not have. In any case I’d never heard the song 3 Green & Speckled Frogs, and I don’t care if it was about three blue and polka dotted Martians, this song was well done. The beat was funky, the vocals somewhere up there between Lenny Kravitz and Ben Harper. Right as soon as this tune opened the album I was hooked.

A little but later on down the line we find a track that is a story that is somewhat narrated by jazz instruments. Not really a first, but a refreshing idea that popped out of nowhere on me and was a fun little story about the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Kids will like it and it would be a great introduction  and conversation starter between kids and their parents on the many sounds of the track and what instrument makes them. Nothing gets kids more interested in music then understanding the fundamentals of noise.

The rest of the album is a very nice collection of traditional tracks that range from being incredible to simply being kids songs. You can’t have all winners, but the overall amount of good work on this album is phenomenal. Even if you don’t run out to buy the album, which I think wouldn’t be too bad an idea if you love music, then I would highly suggest checking out the artists who contributed to this album and giving them an individual look. You might find some favorites. Enjoy.

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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