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Finding Neverland (BLU-RAY)

Finding Neverland

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 46 Minutes

This one is presented in my more-preferred 2.35:1 widescreen ratio.  The only difference in the tech specs between this disc and Chicken Little is that there are more language selections on this.  Not a big deal to me, but it may be to the millions of Chinese and Korean who are left off of the latter disc (of course, the French would be missing something on this one).  Both discs claim lostless sound but Neverland seems to truly achieve that as the static is surprisingly missing and the low audio sequences shutter with surprising clarity.

The special features on this one, like it’s DVD counterpart, are very slim.  The aforementioned Disney Backstage, some outtakes, a behind-the-scenes feature, and a few deleted scenes.  But, if you are anything like me, bonus features aren’t really a necessity as they are not all that re-watchable. 

This blu-ray disc also retails for around $5 more than the DVD version but the upgrade is warranted as the live-action picture shows the subtle scratches and spots on DVD much easier than a CGI movie.  But, if you are going to upgrade for any reason, it would be for the amazing sound clarity this DVD has to offer, possibly one of the best blu-ray has to offer.

Peter Oberth
Review by Peter Oberth
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