Repo Men

Repo Men

In Theatres: 
Mar 19, 2010
Running Time: 
111 minutes

Don't take the film too seriously or you'll come face to face with disappointment.

If you miss payments on your house, the bank takes it. If you miss payments on your car, the bank takes it. Should you miss payments on your organs, well, that’s where The Union comes in. It’s the distant future and technology has made it possible to substitute artificial organs, known as artiforgs, for the real thing should something unfortunate happen to you. Naturally, these replacements can cost a pretty penny, one most people can’t afford and therefore must be put on a payment plan. Should patients start to fall behind their payments, highly skilled repo men are sent in to reclaim the property. In the case with artificial organs, the end result usually means death.

Remy (Jude Law) is one of the top repo men in the business, recovering hundreds of overdue artiforgs over his time at the company with his partner Jake (Forest Whitaker). One day, a job goes horribly wrong when a faulty defibrillator lands Remy in the hospital after suffering a heart attack. Unfortunately for him, his heart has now been replaced with the latest artiforg technology from The Union.

The near death experience has left Remy thinking about his job and his future, wondering he’s doing the right thing or not. As a result, his work is becoming increasingly difficult to perform, earning him less money. When he begins to fall behind on payments, he knows the results of what is about to happen. The roles have been reversed and now he is the one struggling to make ends meet before the repo men are sent after him.

Repo Men has a little bit of it all. Action, comedy, romance; it’s a potpourri of genres. The film opens with Remy nonchalantly performing surgery on a customer who is past due, all the while listening to some music on his mp3 player. This pretty much sets the mood for the entire film. It’s crazy, it’s ridiculous, and it’s a bloody filled mess. Depending on how you like your films, that could be either a good or bad thing.

Stylized fights are the highlight of the film. Red oceans of blood pouring from every knife inflicted wound are second nature. It appears that in the future, humans have more blood than ever thought possible. While unrealistic, it’s still enjoyable to see Law take out one repo man after another or see a knife plunge straight through a man’s skull like butter.

When he’s not stopping those he used to called friends and partners, Remy is on the run with the used to be human, Beth (Alice Braga). The majority of her body is now comprised of artiforgs, all of which are months overdue. Together, they attempt to bring down The Union and hopefully wipe their records clean from the system. Beth doesn’t do much for the film and mainly just gets in the way of things, making her quite the forgettable character.

One person who did shine was Liev Schreiber as Frank, the head of The Union. He really can pull off the villain in all his roles and even manages to throw in a joke or two. He’s the guy you love to hate. For a film that’s based on this futuristic society where people are reclaiming the organs of others, Repo Men sure does have some lulls. A good portion of the film is building up to the point to where Remy is actually on the run from The Union. In that time, we get a look at other characters that have no real impact on the story whatsoever.

Repo Men isn’t something that should be taken seriously or else you’re going to be highly disappointed. It doesn’t exactly flow in the best manner but if you’re a fan of over the top violence, then that shouldn’t really matter.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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