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Warehouse 13: The Truth Hurts (PREVIEW)

Warehouse 13

The Truth Hurts
Regular Air Date: 
Tuesdays 9/8c
On DVD: 
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

“The Truth Hurts”, that's the episode title for the season 4.5 finale of Warehouse 13 airing on July 8, 2013. In this season finale the team discover more about Paracelsus (played by Anthony Head) and his plans for the warehouse. While trying to find and stop him before he can cause a lot of harm, other revelations are made with the team that might tear them apart before they can save themselves. That right there is as much as I 'm going to give on the episode description because it is the season finale and considering how much I hate people spoiler the finales I just can't bring myself to do the same.

However, I might not be giving away details I will be talking about what I thought about this last episode of the season. Which was a pretty good season finale as far as season finales go. The episode builds on momentum and interest as it progresses while telling what's going on and starting some more plots before it was over. This episode has pretty much everything needed for a good finale, little bit of mystery going on, some dishonesty and revelations between friends, enemy that can tear apart everything and an ending that makes everything look bleak and end of what we all know. Having the cliffhanger at the end was done well where it does make me want to watch the next season when it starts to just see how this plot turns out. However it also is a cliffhanger so of course I was on edge because I want to know what's going on. It's a fine line, give away too much and I won't be pulled into wanting to watch next season, give too little and I just get annoyed because I didn't have enough closure. Which this episode have a good balance of both, a little closure, ok no closure really, but the mystery of what's going on is interesting. This was a fun and a little sad finale for the show and I enjoyed watching it. The cast continues to do a good job with their characters, characters that they have grown into.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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