>> Humaana: Comfort (2012)

Artist: Humaana

Album: Comfort

Members: Aaron Bernard, Tim Manning, Ryan Stack

Genre: Rock

Label: Panic Records

Tracks: 5

Type: Digital

Release Date: February 28, 2012

Rating: 3.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Humaana is a studio project from ex-members of Late Nite Wars and an engineer they’d worked with on many occasions at Format Audio, Ryan Stack. Their goal? To write and record as much music as possible without any genre constraints. That’s pretty much word for word from the bands press release (with a few liberties). So how’d it sound?

The bands Comfort EP is a pretty fulfilling 5 track, very nearly, 16 minute effort. Not quite sure if the “No genre constraints” part applied to this EP as a whole or as a reference to their collective works, which this is the first I’ve heard from the band, but it’s a pretty straight forward melodic hard rock band with a jam sensibility to their sound. You’ll find odd traces of some kind of synth intro in the first track and some interesting guitar and bass work scattered here and there for effect, but it all fits under one roof in my opinion. It’s all good though.

Vocal delivery on the album is very reminiscent of The Junior Varsity, especially on the last track on the EP. Lots of fantastic harmony throughout and passion to go along with it, where applicable. I really enjoyed that aspect of the EP, though if you’ve heard TJV your probably going to be hung up on how the dynamic sounds similar in a side by side comparison.

If I had to sum up the EP in just a few words (obviously I don’t) I would have to say that it’s enjoyable and that it sounds like a passion project with moments of breakout jam tendencies. As I finish off my review here, listening to the EP for probably the fifteenth time since it was delivered to me, I feel like maybe everything I’m jotting down here won’t do the EP the kind of justice I would be able to muster for it later on. Just get it, listen to it, listen to it again, and you’ll find that it either gets better and better or you find it complacent. Honestly, I think a bit further on down the line I’ll find more to love with this album. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.





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