>> Annie Claus Is Coming To Town (2012)

Title: Annie Claus Is Coming To Town

Genre: Family

Starring: Maria Thayer, Sam Page, Vivica A. Fox, Nay Nay Kirby

Director: Kevin Connor

Studio: Sonar Entertainment

Runtime: 87 mins

Release Date: October 9, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 1.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

All right, so here's the deal folks: There's no way that a movie like this would ever be up my alley. It's a girly, cheesy Hallmark movie about the daughter of Santa and Mrs. Claus trying to find herself in the big wide world outside of the North Pole. Naturally, she ends up in Los Angeles, because why not? Will she end up with the sleezy, wannabe actor who's trying to sabotage Annie's life or the sweet guy who runs the toy store where she gets a job?

I'd unpack it more in this review, if there were more to unpack. Ultimately, you get exactly what you expect in a movie like this. It's a Hallmark family joint, so it's light, fluffy stuff without much substance. It's sacchrine sweet to a fault, but it's hard to trash a story that trying to be so nice. It is what it is, so if you're in need of a cheesy Christmas fix, this could be what the doctor ordered. As for me, I'll be watching something else. 


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