>> Casino Jack (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: Casino Jack

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Kevin Spacey, Barry Pepper, Jon Lovitz, Ruth Marshall, Graham Greene

Director: George Hickenlooper

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Runtime: 108 Minutes

Release Date: April 5, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 4.49 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

By now everyone should know who Jack Abramoff is. He was covered in Casino Jack and The United States of Money as well as R. Ellis Frazier’s parallel universe tale Across The Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright which was based on the idea of Abramoff had he fled the country after being indicted. Other then that the man was big news after he was busted for corruption, fraud, and bilking millions from clients. This is his story.

Aside from some short wide out shots that feature a bit of grain Casino Jack is stunningly perfect. Everything that you would expect to find in a high class BD presentation is here from detail to sharpness to color. Its amazing the amount of detail that can be found from the smallish hairs of Kevin Spacey’s unshaven upper lip to the legible print on a rolled up tube of tooth paste which sports its fold creases with crystal clarity. Golf course shots pop with immaculate greens and Hawaiian skies burst with brilliant blue. According to several sources the film was shot using the Big Red camera which was used to bring WWII in HD to life and is considered a step up from the BD technology which currently plays as the top contender for HD so that should give you some perspective on just how clean and clear Casino Jack shines as a great reference BD. Audio is a pristine DTS-HD MA 5.1 track which is excellent in providing a well balanced mix for dialogue to come through cleanly and clear while giving room to the films soundtrack and ambient sounds such as busy streets and airports. All together a must own if your into political dramadies.

~Casino Jack: A Director’s Photo Diary: Pretty self explanatory. This HD feature is stills of the film with some text based information attached.
~Gag Reel (Standard Definition)
~Deleted Scenes (Standard Definition)




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