>> Last exit to Brooklyn (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: Last exit to Brooklyn

Genre: Alternative Lifestyles, Drama

Starring: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Burt Young, Stephan Lang

Director: Uli Edel

Studio: Summit Entertainment

Runtime: 102 minutes

Release Date: November 4, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Interesting Tidbits

Stephen Lang (Harry) starred in "Avatar" and is currently on the hit show "Terra Nova."

“Last exit to Brooklyn” follows a prostitute (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a union rep (Stephen Lang), a verbally abusive father (Burt Young), and a group of hoodlums during a metal factory strike in Brooklyn during the 1950’s. Each person in the movie has their own story and is somehow affected by the strike. This movie tries to show how tough times were around that time in Brooklyn and how everyone was dealing with it. The movie was made in 1989, but has been re-released on Blu-ray.

The few things I did enjoy about this movie were the picture quality, the music, and some of the scenes or sequences. For a movie that was completed in 1989, this movie looked very sharp and the picture quality was very crisp. The music through the whole movie was well done and fitting for this time period. My favorite background music was during the opening sequence because it really set you up for the whole movie. My favorite scene in the whole movie was when the union members were trying to stop the delivery trucks from leaving the factory. This was a pivotal scene for the plot and they made this incident very epic and dramatic. I also liked the last scene because it signified the end of the movie, which I was happy to see.

Besides the unnecessary nudity, constant profanity, and awkward scenes, there were a lot of things wrong with “Last exit to Brooklyn.” For instance, the separate storylines did not really intertwine or have any impact on any of the other characters. In addition, the main storyline was not very strong or easy to figure out or follow. This movie in general was very unpredictable and lacked any cohesion. The characters were unlikeable and fairly obnoxious (especially Stephen Baldwin as one of the hoodlums) and I could care less what pains they had to go through.

 Also, I was surprised that they even included gay characters in the movie because this was already a fairly offensive movie. The characters were mostly feminine and flamboyant, but you saw both sides of what they had to go through. However, they did a good job of showing the public sentiment on homosexuality during this time period, but one of the gay characters did not fare so well. To make matters worse, this movie lacked extras. They only included audio commentary and a making of featurette. They could have at least added some extras to make this Blu-ray worth owning.

“Last exit to Brooklyn” was all over the place and a mixed bag of ideas. The summary sounded interesting, but the lack of cohesion or clear storyline really hindered the viewing experience. They had an all-star cast in the movie, but I disliked the characters so much I could have cared less as to what happened to them. I was extremely happy to see the movie end so I could give this movie a “D+.” 


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