>> Necromentia (2010)

Title: Necromentia

Genre: Horror

Starring: Chad Grimes, Layton Matthews, Santiago Craig, Zelieann Rivera, Zach Cumer

Director: Pearry Teo

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 85 minutes

Release Date: September 14, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 0.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Official Site

What would you do to bring the one person you loved more than anything back from a dark place, even the dead?

"Necromentia" answers that very question for three people: Travis, Hagen, and Morbius. Travis, torture provider and heroin addict, is trying to find his stolen disabled brother who was entrusted to him when their parents died. Hagen is in love with a married woman, and the mother of his unborn child, who dies in a cruel ironic way. Morbius is the center of all the tragedy and each main character ends up using the other for his own gain.

Throw in some gratuitous blood, disemboweling, and good old fashioned torture, and you have yourself what some people call "horror." Unfortunately, "Necromentia" is a bit harder to follow since the storytelling starts off rocky and goes all willy-nilly by the end. The story is told backwards, which is fine if it's told by Chris Nolan, but this film was not directed by Chris Nolan.  It is directed by Pearry Teo ("The Gene Generation") who did not have a good handle on the story or the characters. This is kind of sad because "Necromentia" had the potential to be both creepy and heartbreaking, but ultimately, it was neither.

You have three characters whose lives are all intertwined but you don't really know that until the last 20 minutes of the film. By that time I was just bored and kind of repulsed by Mr. Skinny, a fat pig-faced demonoid character who appears to Thomas, Travis' brother, while Travis is at hard at work torturing willing victims for money.

I'd like to say that this horror story was engrossing, but some scenes were just gross and lent nothing to the plot whatsoever. In fact, I'd say that the very last scene contradicted itself entirely, but I don't want to spoil it for you.



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