>> Obsessed (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: Obsessed

Genre: Suspense

Starring: Beyonce Knowles, Idris Elba, Ali Larter, Jerry O'Connell, Bonnie Perlman

Director: Steve Shill

Studio: Sony

Runtime: 108 Minutes

Release Date: August 4, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 1.45 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+


LL Cool J was originally set to play Idris Elba's part.

Obsessed is nothing new.  Boy is married.  Boy meets another girl.  Girl becomes obsessed.  Girl tries to destroy marriage and keep boy for herself.  This is essentially a Lifetime movie with a slightly bigger cast (there was even a similarly themed movie on Lifetimed called, what else, "Obsessed").

Good.  The picture has great clarity and the sound is completely lossless.

Interviews, Making-Of, Behind-the Scenes, blah blah.

The bonus features are pretty much all behind-the-scenes and making-ofs all wrapped up into 3 features and are not very watchable.  The movie starts off decently and Idris Elba steals the show as the misunderstood and wronged husband, Derek, to Beyonce's Sharon.  Beyonce is ok in her role but still doesn't quite have the greatest acting chops and Ali Larter is a bit out of her comfort zone as the obsessive "crazy girl".  The movie gets more annoying as it goes on as numerous plot holes are overlooked in order for the movie move along.  Ali Larter gets obsessed a little too fast and for no good reason.  Though there are many facts supporting the Derek's (Elba) claims, the "detective" immediately believes the obviously crazy Lisa (Larter).  The movie isn't great, the special features are boring but, hey, the quality is good.  Is that enough to save this release?  Not by a long shot, but if you liked it in theaters, it might be worth getting the blu-ray instead of the standard edition.


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