>> The Code (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: The Code

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Morgan Freeman, Antonio Banderas, Radha Mitchell, Robert Forster

Director: Mimi Leder

Studio: First Look Pictures

Runtime: 103 minutes

Release Date: June 23, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.20 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas team up for a heist with Robert Forster hot on their trail in a film directed by Mimi Leder.  Sounds pretty good, right?  Oh, so very wrong.  The Code, AKA Thick as Thieves (the international release title) is a sad mash-up of every heist film ever made with one of the most illogical, plot hole filled scripts ever. Freeman completely phones in his performance and Banderas isn’t much better.  Forster is wasted, as is Radha Mitchell, who seems to have been paid mostly to stand around and look hot.  I can certainly understand why The Code is direct to Blu-ray in the US: it never would have recouped the marketing cost.

Very Good. For the most part, there is next to no grain and the colors and shading look terrific.  A few wide-angle shots seem more like standard def, but overall a much better picture quality than this movie needs (or deserves).  The audio is also by and large quite good.  The dialog is crisp and the action sequences sounded excellent. 
Cast Interviews, Behind the Scenes, and Also on Blu-Ray
All of the meager offerings are pathetic.  The interviews are (mercifully) short and consist of the cast and crew rambling about how excited they were to make this film (from their body language, not so much) and how different a movie it is than anything else out there (it’s exactly like everything else out there only worse).  Behind the Scenes is a string of random rehearsal or shooting footage, and without context, explanation, or interesting angles, it is coma-inducing while the Also on Blu-Ray consists of the same previews that are at the beginning of the disc before you hit the DVD menu.  Oh, and the menu itself is one of the worst I’ve seen: there isn’t even a scene selection option.


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