>> United 93 (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: United 93

Genre: Drama, War

Director: Paul Greengrass

Studio: Universal Studios

Runtime: 111 mins

Release Date: September 6, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Approaching a film like this, at a time like this (on the 10th anniversary of 9/11), is incredibly tough. It’s tough to take emotionally and it’s also tough to gauge objectively. On the one hand, there’s an intensity and cut-and-dry aesthetic to the film itself that manages to avoid melodrama and exploitation. It’s one of more intense movies that I’ve ever seen…but it’s not an intensity that’s ultimately enjoyable. In that respect, I think it ultimately succeeds as a film.

On the other hand, the timing of this release is obviously opportunistic and as such, is a bit harder to endorse. It has to come out at some point in the Blu-Ray format, but it seems a tad insensitive at best and money-grubbing at worst. The flipside is that this is meant to honor the memories of those who died in the same way that the film itself was intended to honor them.

Shot in Greengrass’ signature shaky-cam style, it’s hard to really pay attention or get a good look at any of the typical textures or details that you normally see on a Blu-Ray release. That said, this does look very sharp for the style, almost a documentary feel. The audio mix is also really good, striking a good balance between the dialogue and the natural sound effects.

The extra features include:

Flight 93 National Museum

Memorial Pages

United 93: The Families and the Film

Chasing planes – Witnesses to 9/11

Twin Towers

Feature Commentary with Director Paul Greengrass

In the end, this is a solid film that respectfully tells a possible accounting on what happened on United Flight 93. As with all tragic historical events, it’s not easy to witness, but necessary to remember.



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