>> Yes Man (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: Yes Man

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel

Director: Peyton Reed

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 104 Minutes

Release Date: April 7, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

Notes: Includes Digital Copy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 2.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site


Just like his character, Jim Carrey said "yes" to many things during the production of this movie. He indeed truly played the guitar, learned basic Korean, rode a sport bike and bungee-jumped.

Jim Carrey has lost a bit of his luster sincehe dominated the box office back in the early to mid 90's.  By choosing to do slightly more adult fair, the rubber faced comedian may have alienated some of his initial audience but he has gained the respect of many more and, in turn, kept himself from being a flash in the pan.

Good.  The picture is clear but the color is off a bit.  The sound is lossless and really shines through during the live music performances.

Digital Copy, Featurettes, Gag Reel, on the set with Jim Carrey, music video.

The bonus features are just blah as even the gag reel isn't really funny, surprising since Jim Carrey's on set hijinx are usually good for a laugh or two, but the inclusion of a digital copy ramps up this release a lot.  The movie is funny but it is nowhere near the stature of other Carrey vehicles like Bruce Almighty or The Truman Show.  Zooey Deschanel is charming but a little too much rests on her shoulders as the script just doesn't fully pan out like it should.  The picture is ok and the sound is great, but overall, this is a so so release.



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